2022 International Moth European Championship Event Website

Welcome to the IMCA FRANCE page for the 2022 European Championship.
The regatta will be held in France, Brittany, Quiberon from 2022 July 23rd to July 30th organised by the Yacht Club Carnac at the ENVSN.
The 2022 International Moth European Championship is an open Event.
Key dates to remember
The European Championships will be from July 23-30:
Saturday 23th: measurements, registration, training, etc.
Sunday 24th: practice race
Racing will take place Monday through Friday, July 25-29th
The prize ceremony will be on the 29th evening
Startig from the 1st of July the entry fee will raised to 330 euro
Everyone is welcome to arrive starting on July 18 if they want to discover the location.
Registration is available on the web site of YC Carnac
Here is the tutorial that may help you because some steps are only in french.
Important: as per the French Sailing Federation rule, helmets are mandatory in France for racing on foiling crafts